Would you like to sponsor our event or become a vendor?

At the Mega-Event you will find geocachers who like to spend time outdoors, travel around, and are interested in technology. The participants will be eager to hear about the products and services your company offers and sells. We are expecting around 3000 participants during the day. We offer various kinds of packages for our sponsors.

For vendors will have sales booths inside the event hall and also outside right next to the building.

If you would like to sponsor our event or join as a vendor to sell and present your company / services at the event, please contact us via the link below.

I would like to get more info on sales booths / sponsoring the event..

What is geocaching?

Geocaching is an outdoor hobby where people search for hidden objects called geocaches hidden by other geocachers. To search for geocaches you need a handheld GPS or a mobile phone with a geocaching application.

Please have a look at these introductory videos about geocaching: introduction video by Geocaching.com about geocaching.
Learn more from geocaching.com 101.

What is a geocaching Mega-Event?

Mega-Events have been held in Finland since 2011. In the events geocachers gather to meet other geocaching enthusiasts. Mega-Event is comparable to a trade fair.

We expect up to 3,000 participants from Finland and abroad to the Mega-Event in Helsinki.
