Seven Basic Pillars

Seven principles of creating a safer space:

Be open
Approach new people and things without prejudice. See each encounter as an opportunity to learn and grow. We are all different. Accept each person as they are.

Pay attention to your choice of words and value others' opinions. Avoid mocking, belittling, or judging anyone with your words or behavior. Handle sensitive topics with respect.

Create a positive atmosphere
Take responsibility also for others' experiences. Listen, praise, and encourage. Accept mistakes and disagreements. Consensus is not necessary on everything, but it's important that diverse perspectives are heard.

Avoid assumptions
Do not make assumptions based on external characteristics, such as appearance, skin color, ethnicity, religion, gender, age, or speech. Do not assume anything about someone's gender, background, or abilities.

Give space
Respect others' personal space, privacy, and autonomy. Ensure that everyone is heard and given the opportunity to participate.

Don't just ignore it if you witness harassment or other inappropriate behavior.

Have fun and let others too. Remember, there are no stupid questions, just poor answers in case You are missing any information.